The Club maintains an Indoor Range (50 feet), a Trap / Sporting Clays Field,
and 2 Outdoor Ranges: Rifle (100 yards) and Pistol (50 yards).
Indoor Range
To use the Indoor Range, you must "Qualify" with the firearm(s) and ammo you intend to use. These will then be the only guns and ammo you are allowed to use indoors. Qualifying Sessions are offered once or twice a year and are announced in the club email. The Qualification Procedure will be explained once you sign up.
The Indoor Range is located within the clubhouse. Small-bore & center-fire handguns, as well as .22 rifles are allowed.
There are a numerous rules governing the use of the Indoor Range.
Briefly, they are: Paper targets only, lead (non-jacketed) ammo only, always at 50 ft., velocity limited to 1,000 fps.
The complete Indoor Range Rules are not published on this website, since they will be explained during Qualification.
Trap / Sporting Clays Field
The Trap field is located to the left of the Rifle and Pistol Ranges. Both a concrete Trap House and a "Rabbit Machine" are permanently installed on the field. On Sunday mornings additional trap machines are towed to various location on the field for Sporting Clays. Shooting starts at 10 am.
Outdoor Ranges
The Outdoor Range Rules, along with the Outdoor Target Frames, must be obeyed on these ranges.
Click on the Download Links below and review them before coming to the Club.
Rifle Range: The range is the located between the Trap Field and the Pistol Range. Maximum distance is 100 yards.
Pistol Range: The range is located to the right of the Rifle Range. Maximum distance is 50 yards.
Outdoor Target Frames: These frames are used on the Rifle & Pistol ranges. All outdoor targets must be Paper or Cardboard, and must be placed within these frames, as detailed on the Outdoor Range Rules.
Download Outdoor Range Rules