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The Blue Hill Rifle and Pistol Club offers facilities that are well maintained and family-use oriented in order to best support our members.  Courses in Basic Pistol and Hunter Safety are offered once or twice per year, and announced in Club Email and on the Calendar page.  The Club is proud of its tradition of community support and always looks for additional avenues to encourage safe and responsible firearms use.

Shooting Events:

  • Use the Shooting link in the Menu to explore the various shooting events offered at the Club.

  • Cowboy Fast Draw, Gong, and Sporting Clays are open to the public.  Each section has detailed information.

  • To view event dates, use the Calendar link in the Menu; then click the Event Title for more details.

Monthly Meetings: The Club meets to conduct business and induct new members at 6:30 pm, the 2nd Monday each month.

(Note: The July Meeting is often cancelled, so check the Calendar.)

Please consider attending the meetings, participating in some of our shoots / activities, and especially volunteering to help out at some of the club functions.


Annual Fall Shoot/Open House:


  • The 3rd Sunday of each October, the club hosts a fun day for the whole family.

  • Outdoor activities include Running and Standing Deer (rifle), Cowboy Fast Draw, a Turkey Shoot, Archery for the kids, and Trap/Sporting Clays all day long.

  • The Indoor Range will be open with air pistols & rifles, and also .22’s.

  • There will be food available all day long, and Dinner at 5pm (free for volunteers; otherwise $5).

  • This is a great opportunity to try different shooting sports, or enjoy the ones you already know.  Helpful members will be on hand to assist and provide instruction.

The Lock Stock and Barrel: The Lock Stock and Barrel is a 4-H        Youth Club for ages 9-19.

The Club is a shooting sports program that offers the following disciplines: rifle, shotgun, archery and blackpowder.

The Club meets on Wednesday nights from 6-8 pm, at the Club House from September through May.

For more information contact: Norwood or Becky Ames at 567-3066.

Affiliations: The club is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations:


© 2020 Blue Hill Rifle & Pistol Club

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